How to Make Apple Music Available Offline on iPhone X

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Download Apple Music for Offline Listening

By Selena KomezUpdated on September 21, 2017

I subscribed iTunes music for a month, however it will need to be renewed to play after a month. Is it possible to make the music available offline on my iPhone X for free without time limitation? Please send me some good ways. Thank you very much.

Apple Music is a service that grants its users unlimited access to the entire Apple catalog of music. Its members are privileged to get new songs directly from artists and recommendations from the very cream of the music world. As we know, we can download the payed subscribed songs from Apple Music’s library while the network condition is available, then playing the Apple songs on the offline playlist. However, the Apple music is DRM – protected, we can’t play it after the subscribed is times up offline. This post shows you how to download and save Apple Music songs and playlists for offline listening, even play it on iPhone X, MP3 players and more mobile device for free without time limitation.

Play Apple Music Offline on iPhone X – Apple Music Converter

As easy and glamorous as this may sound, This method of free music download for Apple has its limitations. One is likely to lose their music if they unsubscribe from the Apple music service. That is why I am introducing you to this Apple Music Converter, an app to rip Apple music that will never disappoint you. It enables to legally remove DRM protection from Apple music and convert Apple from M4P to MP3 with its original data so that you can play Apple music offline on iPhone X for free without time limitation. Moreover, after the conversion, you can easily playback the converted Apple music on any computer and audio devices such as iPod, PSP, Zune, MP3 player, mobile phones, etc,.

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Download and Listen to Apple Music Offline on iPhone X

Step 1. Download and Run Apple Music Converter on the Computer
To begin with, please download and run Apple Music Converter on the computer.

run apple music converter

Note: iTunes will be run automatically at the same time when you run Apple Music Converter on the computer.

Step 2. Select Apple Music for Converting
It will load all the Apple Music songs and playlists you have added to iTunes library on the interface of Apple Music Converter program, including iTunes songs, movies, TV shows, audiobooks, and more. Click the checkbox before the Apple Music songs you want to convert. Note: You can search the Apple Music songs you want to convert in the searchbox.

select apple music to convert

Step 3. Setting the Parameter for Converted Apple Music
Click to set the data of the converted Apple music and a window will pop up for prompting to make the settings. You can set the converting speed (up to 16X) and the Apple music output format, and others.

Setting the Output Profile of Converted Apple Music:

select mp3 output profile

Setting Conversion Speed of Conveted Apple Music:
If you would like to change the conversion speed, then go to Options>>General.One the preferences windows to “Set Custom conversion speed for audio convert (1-16)” to adjust the conversion speed.

adjust conversion speed

Step 4. Convert Apple Music to MP3
In this step click “Start Convert” button to begin to convert the selected Apple music to MP3 files. It will done in only minutes.

convert apple music from m4p to mp3

Now the selected Apple music have been converted to the free-MP3 files. You are allowed to play the converted Apple music offline freely.

You can explore the output files and folders by clicking “Open Output File” button to view the converted music file on the computer.

view converted mp3 apple music files

Step 5.Play Converted Apple Music Offline on iPhone X
Now,you have converted the protected Apple music from M4P to MP3 for free without limitation,you can play all converted MP3 Apple music on Mac/Windows computer without iTunes.If you want to listen to Apple Music on iPhone X,please import them to your device with iOS Manager.

Tutorial: How to Import Music from Computer to iPhone X

import converted apple music to iPhone X

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Related Article:

How to Listen to Apple Music Offline

How to Play Apple Music on Chromebook

How to Keep iTunes Music Songs Forever

How to Rip Apple Music For Free

How to Record Apple Music M4P Streams as MP3

Remove DRM and Play Apple Music on iPhone without Limitation

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